Downtime: Pain Management
Hello! I hope you are enjoying a pain free
day, but for those days when you aren’t. Here are three ideas that might help
ease the pain a little.
The idea of
getting out of bed when you suffer from chronic pain can sometimes be quite daunting, but if
you can manage to do it, taking a little walk – even just around the house can
really lift your mood and help make your body stronger. If you
aren’t up for a walk however, then it might be easier to try my next suggestion
in the comfort of your bedroom.
Stretching/ Yoga
I find that if I do some
stretches first thing in the morning, I feel a lot better during the day with a
lot more energy and with a lot less sharp pains in my pelvic area where my endo
is the worst.
Here are some
regular poses in my routines:
Cobra Pose
Click on this link for step-by-step directions
Reclined Hero
Click on this
link for step-by-step directions
* when following the guide, stop at step 4 if carrying on is too difficult.
Seated Wide
Legged Straddle
Click on this
link for step-by-step directions
Joy Thru Yoga has some more great poses for
endometriosis as well as in-depth information about each pose and its effects.
Click here to see more.
What are some of your options for dealing
with chronic pain?
Nice post.
Thank you Tra, I hope it's helpful. x